Estimated Evaluation in terms of grade:
I think that I deserve an A so far in this course. I have really been exposed to other realms of society in terms of culture and diversity. I have fully participated in the classroom practicum and the culture fieldtrips. I have been able to observe how I can use the knowledge for my own classroom in the future. I have learned about how other cultures live and learn which will help me direct my instruction to help them to succeed academically, socially, and intellectually. I feel that I have put forth the effort to fully grasp the material presented to me. I have been able to see the validation of using multiple ways of teaching the concepts fully.
Further development:
I would really like to learn about ways to teach children that are monolingual. I have read some of it in the chapters that were assigned, but I would really love to see strategies in action. I am very interested in teaching language and the best way to achieve my goals of that. I would also like to learn how to help them learn the structure of English while letting them have a positive transfer from their first language. I feel that those concepts are very important for teaching especially since I will probably have a monolingual student many years in my future teaching career.
For the Professor:
So far so good! I have really enjoyed the tie-ins from the community. I have visited places that I wouldn’t go otherwise. I have really learned by observing and being immersed in the environment to really know what it is like to be there. I could hear about it, see pictures, watch videos, or even read about it in a brochure; however, actually living it has really helped me see the cultural diversity that we actually have in the “small” town of Farmington. In the future, I would really like to do activities or group discussion to really discuss the ideas of teaching English to someone that has not been exposed very often to the language. Hearing suggestions that other teachers have, would really help me understand what works and what doesn’t.